Garston Arrangement for Remembrance Day


Once again we will be laying a wreath in honour of the fallen on Remembrance Sunday which is 11th November 2012, at the Cenotaph in Long Lane at Garston.

The wreath will be laid at 11.00am and then we can all adjourn to the Garston Masonic Hall for pre lunch drinks with lunch at 1.00pm.

Lunch will consist of Soup and Roast Beef, tea or coffee at £10.00/head.

Everyone is most welcome but for all the Mark Masons attending please wear your Mark collars which is at the request of the Provincial Grand Mark Master.

Let me have your names and numbers as soon as possible so I can book the meals accordingly. We will have a raffle (Donations most welcome) and any proceeds will go to a military charity via the Mark Charities Fund.

As last year, I am hoping to get "Sarah Lowe" to entertain us after lunch.

Please contact me by email as above or telephone 0151 281 0034. If I'm out, leave a message on the answer phone.

Kindest regards,
